The Family Information Service provides Information, advice and guidance on childcare provision as well as services and activities in the local area for children and young people aged 0-20 years and their families.

We can provide you with information about all childcare including childminders, day nurseries, playgroups and parent and toddler groups, schools and out of school care.

We can support you to find the childcare to suit yours and your child’s needs.  If eligible for the Achieving Two Year old entitlement, we will provide you with a golden ticket and a list of settings and schools that you can choose to attend. If you do not automatically receive a golden ticket from us we can support you to complete an online application form to find out if you are eligible.

We can also support you if you are eligible to apply for your 30 hours code on the childcare choices website and provide you with a list of settings and schools that are offering the provision so that you can choose where to attend.

We can also provide you with information, advice and guidance on help with childcare costs, including going back to higher education, further education, care to learn, childcare voucher scheme, disability living allowance and universal credit.

We host the Family Service Directory, an online directory of services and activities for children, young people, parents and carers and practitioners in Middlesbrough.  It includes services such as leisure activities, things to do, health, support and advice agencies, employment and training, childcare, schools and children’s centres plus a lot more.

Family Information Service